
Heal (v): to become sound or healthy again; to alleviate (a person’s distress or anguish).

My Story

Whether I like it or not, I am no stranger to health issues.  I can’t count the time I’ve spent or number of doctors I’ve seen over the years.  Beginning in elementary school, I began experiencing severe stomach pain.  It was often associated with personal stress, but the unbearable pain was so frequent that I didn’t know what was wrong with me.  I went to so many doctors to try to figure out what was wrong.  After countless tests, I was ultimately treated for H-pylori with antibiotics amongst other medications that would help in the short term but only make me sicker over time.

My family sought a more holistic route using homeopathic medicine and supplements to alleviate my pain.  This was a lifesaver for many years until I was in high school.  I reached the point where I couldn’t grow or gain weight and was experiencing painful stomach aches once again.  After another period of seeing doctor after doctor and running test after test, I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and Crohn’s disease.  Finally a diagnosis so I could move forward with treatment.

More recently, I have gone through several surgeries to began treating the Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) on my chin through embolization using alcohol and glue, as well as cryotherapy (freezing).

I will go more in depth with various aspects of my health journey in future posts.

Travel has been the best healing experience for me, hence the Adventure in Adventure, Grow, Heal.  I feel the most at peace when I’m traveling as it temporarily allows myself a true escape from the everyday stressors of life.